Friday, March 5, 2010

Wait. It Will Come

Today I thought about how sometimes when questioning what to do, a 'sign' will materialize and lead to your own right decision. It is not usually necessary to make an immediate decision when faced with a situation. When you keep your mind open or tuned in, something often happens that helps make the decision easy! And of course, when you test the waters, by thinking how you will feel making the decision, you will know if it will be right for you. Uneasiness or doubt means give it some more thought- a better solution may present itself. Or, your feelings about it may change, once more facts or options or circumstances come into the picture. And how nice it feels, to be comfortable with the final decision after this process takes place.

Painting sometimes involves starts and stops. Maybe it requires a bit of stepping back. Waiting, thinking, learning, and then getting back to the canvas can ultimately advance the work. It is easier to look at the work objectively when you step back, out of the room, then revisit the canvas. The origional motivation, that fresh look, can be sustained by keeping in mind your origional intent. Details tend to clutter up that goal. Backing up, as it were, refreshes the 'one look' concept. From across a room at a gallery or museum, what makes you want to come up and view a picture more intimately? It starts with scanning the room and directing your focus to what moves you, from way back.

And keeping your options open, working fairly loose and open ended will give you all the space you need to go in whatever direction you feel will work. It is amazing how accidents, circumstances, experiments, freedom, can further something in the direction that makes it work.

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