Saturday, March 20, 2010


When a chorus sings inside a church, perhaps a Baroque structure, sound often lasts a while after the voices pause. The sound may go on by itself, bouncing off walls. Choir members learn to watch the conductor to know when to start long to wait.

When one speaks and then there is silence, do the words seem to bounce off walls or off the person spoken to? Once in a while just let those words bounce around in the air instead of filling the space quickly with more words. At times it's interesting to speak and then wait. While listening to this silent reverberation, the meanings of words may change or expand, to broaden the experience for speaker or listener.

Words come back, in our minds. It just requires pausing when someone writes or talks. Pay attention to those echoes before responding. If responding! It is a choice, always a choice.

1 comment:

LSutter said...

Great idea!